

Spring maintenance checklist

Spring is certainly a good time for a seasonal home maintenance and inspection checklist, especially regarding front doors.

Here are some elements you might consider checking:

  1. Sealing
    We addressed the subject some time ago in our article on weatherstripping; a thorough visual inspection of the seals around your door is required to ensure they are in good condition. Replacing them could help maintain good insulation and prevent drafts.
  2. Locks and handles
    As simplistic as it may sound, the following advice is relevant regardless of the time of year: make sure all locks are working properly and that the handles are securely fastened. Grease the mechanisms if necessary to keep them in good working order.
  3. Cleaning
    This is THE perfect season for a good cleaning. Take advantage of spring to clean your front door. Remove dirt, cobwebs, and any accumulation of dust.
  4. Security check
    A proper check of the locks will ensure they are functioning well… but also confirm that your door is secure and that everyone in the household is safe! Under the same theme, if you have a door peephole, make sure it offers a clear view of the outside.

By performing these checks and maintenance tasks in the spring, you will make sure that your front door is in good working condition and ready to face the months ahead. All this can also contribute to improving the energy efficiency of your home and enhancing your security.

Front door